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Philosophy and Goal

Philosophy and Goal


The Adult Day Services Program is designed to serve health-impaired adults whose illness or disability does not require 24-hour inpatient care.  The needs of these health-impaired adults cannot be satisfactorily met in an episodic ambulatory care setting but require at least 1 day of care per week in a medical day care program.  Therefore, it is the philosophy of the Center to promote health and independence for older adults through a structured therapeutic day program of nursing, social and rehabilitative services in a supportive group setting and culturally relevant environment for individuals served.

The quality of life of older and/or disabled adults is dependent upon the ability to live independently with external support or continuing and regular assistance to medical, recreational and social opportunities.


Program Goals

  • To provide day-to-day assistance to participants in accomplishing activities of daily living and in meeting health and psychosocial needs through a stimulating therapeutic day program for adults.
  • Promote goals designed to restore and/or maintain the impaired adult at an optimum level for self-care through assessments, services, supports, and training required by the individual.  
  • Provide a combination and sequence of special, interdisciplinary, or generic care, treatment, or other services that are planned and coordinated by our nursing department for the individual participant.  
  • Provide an environment and programs that are culturally relevant for individuals served. 